Table 2. Rate of doping and performance enhancing (PE) drug use according to the type of sports.
Doping Drug User PE Drug User Non-User Total
n % n % n % n
Body Building 25 65.8 3 7.9 10 26.3 38
Judo 1 10.0 1 10.0 8 80.0 10
Basketball 2 4.3 6 12.8 39 82.9 47
Athletics 2 12.5 - - 14 87.5 16
Handball 1 6.3 1 6.3 14 87.6 16
Climbing 1 2.8 2 5.6 33 91.6 36
Soccer 2 1.3 1 2.6 147 98.1 150
Others 8 6.7 7 5.8 105 87.5 120