Table 2. Comparison of anaerobic thresholds as determined by blood lactate (Lactate-AT), respiratory exchange ratio (RER-AT), V-slopemethod (Vslope-AT), and ventilatory equivalent for O (EqO-AT). Values in VO ml·min. Data are means (±SE).
Lactate-AT RER-AT Vslope-AT EqO2-AT
Treadmill test 3961 (119) 4013 (138) 3315 (190) * 3632 (195)
Cycle ergometer test 3409 (101) 3356 (120) 2729 (149) * 3211 (251)
* The differences are statistically significant for Vslope-AT vs Lactate-AT (p = 0.01 for treadmill test and p = 0.001 for ergometer test).