Table 5. Results of lateral jumping (LJ) and the 6-minute-run in meters.
Intervention Schools Control Schools
N Means (±SD) N Means (±SD) p-value*
LJ T1 (numbers) 456 34.0 (9.3) 190 38.5 (9.7) .001
LJ T2 (numbers) 459 53.0 (11.0) 189 51.0 (10.9) .019
Difference T2-T1 451 19.1 (9.4) 188 12.6 (9.3) <.001
6-min-run T1 (m) 416 835.7 (108.1) 185 845.9 (116.1) .114
6-min-run T2 (m) 459 923.8 (126.9) 187 918.3 (115.0) .205
Difference T2-T1 413 87.1 (132.2) 181 72.6 (121.7) .020
* p-value calculated with ANCOVA (adjusted for gender and age).