Table 1. General characteristics of participants at baseline. Data are means (±SD).
Exercise Group (EX)
n = 23
Control (C)
n = 17
Age (yr) 69.2 (5.2) 70.1 (6.6)
Weight (kg) 54.7 (9.6) 53.6 (7.9)
Height (m) 1.58 (.08) 1.55 (.05)
Body mass index (kg/m2) 21.7 (.5) 22.7 (3.4)
SBPrest (mmHg) 131 (18) 139 (15)
DBPrest (mmHg) 78 (9) 84 (9)
HRrest (bpm) 77 (10) 82 (12)
Self assessed health condition (%)
Good 61 59
Average 35 35
Poor 4 6
Take medications (%) 44 53
Education* (%)
Completed secondary education 91 82
Completed higher education 9 18
*Secondary education includes junior high school education which is generally completed at the age of 15, and/or high school education which is generally completed at the age of 18. Higher education includes college or university level education of at least four years after secondary education.