Table 3. Multivariate model predicting the total of the team batting first.
Variable Estimate P-value Partial R2
Ave. MOV against opposition .13 ± .04 <.0001 9.7%
Exp. Smooth past totals 1st inning battingteam .25 ± .04 <.0001 3.6%
Ave. total conceded in 1st inning by bowling team .53 ± .06 <.0001 2.6%
Home Country 15.3 ± 2.3 <.0001 1.6%
Ave. MOV ever .31 ± .05 <.0001 1.1%
Exp. Smooth past totals 1st inning at venue .38 ± .05 .0004 .5%
Total R2 19.1 %