Table 3. Men’s and women’s freestyle swimming events, type of mathematical function and predictive equations.
Gender Event Type Equation R2 value
Men 50m Inverse y = -44.77 + 134064.199 / year .543 ns
100m Compound y = 42747.22 x .99year .972 *
200m Sigmoidal y = e- 1.33 + 11971.98 / year .862 *
400m Cubic y = 12572.6 - 8.79 x year +6.53 x 10-7 x year3 .977 *
1500m Cubic y = 4045.71 - 27.31 x year + 1.88 x 10-6 x year3 .963 *
Women 50m Inverse y = 71.68 + 193578 / year .732 ns
100m Cubic y = 7417.11 - 5.48 x year + 4.5 x 10-7 x year3 .959 *
200m Sigmoidal y = e-0.54 + 8451.02 / year .812 *
400m Cubic y = 1565 - 1.68 x 10-7 x year3 .976 *
800m Sigmoidal y = e-1.26 + 14938.8 / year .692 *
ns: due to the small degrees of freedom
* p < 0.05