Table 2. Exercise barriers items.
All Males Females
Items Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD p
1. I’ve been thinking about exercise is difficult and too tiring. 2.55 1.32 3.28 1.54 2.36 1.18 0.000*
2. I have never energy as much as to able to do exercise 3.41 1.01 3.73 0.98 3.32 1.00 0.009*
Lack of energy score 5.95 1.98 7.00 2.17 5.68 1.84 0.000*
3. I’ve been thinking about other recreational activities with my friends are more entertaining than exercise. 2.83 1.20 3.20 1.21 2.73 1.18 0.023*
4. I have not been thinking about exercise has positive effects on my health. 2.29 0.88 2.68 0.84 2.19 0.86 0.000*
Lack of motivation score 5.13 1.66 5.88 1.76 4.93 1.58 0.002*
5. I’ve been worried about my looks when I exercise 2.06 1.19 2.22 1.31 2.02 1.16 0.380
6. I have not been thinking about my ability to exercise. 1.62 0.91 2.02 1.13 1.52 0.81 0.002*
Lack of self-confidence score 3.68 1.63 4.24 2.11 3.56 1.45 0.061
Sum of perceived internal barriers score 14.79 4.16 17.13 5.13 14.19 3.66 0.001*
7. There is no fitness center that I could get to. 2.52 1.23 2.37 0.98 2.56 1.29 0.654
8. I have no exercise equipment at home that I use. 2.52 1.23 2.37 0.98 2.56 1.29 0.654
Lack of resource score 5.05 2.47 4.75 1.96 5.12 2.58 0.654
9. My family or friends do not encourage me to exercise. 2.36 1.14 2.68 1.12 2.27 1.13 0.023*
10. My parents give academic success priority over exercise. 3.65 1.16 3.66 1.24 3.65 1.15 0.851
Lack of support 6.01 1.67 6.35 1.70 5.92 1.66 0.097
11. I have no leisure time for exercise because of my busy lesson schedule 3.76 0.92 3.84 0.79 3.74 0.95 0.658
12. I have no leisure time for exercise because of my social and family responsibilities. 3.49 0.98 3.75 0.82 3.43 1.01 0.040*
Lack of time 7.26 1.69 7.60 1.30 7.17 1.77 0.133
Sum of perceived external barriers score 18.32 4.22 18.71 3.20 18.22 4.45 0.244
* p < 0.05.