Table 2. Velocity (m·s, expressed as a percentage of SSWS), Froude number (Fr) and oxygen cost (ml·kg·min) for free and immobilised walking. Data are means (±SD).
Free Immobilised
Velocity Froude (Fr) O2 cost Velocity Froude (Fr) O2 cost
-60 .52 (.08) .03 (.01) .27 (.05) .40 (.05)** .02 (.00)** .36 (.07)**
-40 .77 (.07) .06 (.01) .20 (.03) .61 (.10)** .04 (.01)** .27 (.05)**
-20 1.06 (.09) .12 (.03) .16 (.03) .83 (.11)** .08 (.02)** .22 (.05)**
SSWS 1.30 (.13) .18 (.04) .16 (.02) 1.02 (.13)** .12 (.03)** .21(.03)**
+20 1.55 (.18) .26 (.07) .15 (.02) 1.22 (.16)** .17 (.05)** .20 (.02)**
+40 1.77 (.17) .34 (.07) .16 (.01) 1.48 (.19)** .25 (.07)* .19 (.02)**
+60 2.00 (.11) .43 (.05) .19 (.01) 1.67 (.23)** .31 (.08)** .20 (.02)
* p < 0.05
** p < 0.01 indicates a significant difference between free and immobilised walking.