Table 1. Changes in SA scores pre- and post-exercise for each trial. Data are means (±SD).
PRE POST Effect size Chances (% and qualitative) of substantial improvement
RANCT TT1 13.31 (2.96) 15.33 (3.54)* .62 93.3; likely, probable
TT2 12.25 (4.71) 17.25 (2.76) †  1.34 99.9; almost certain
CSAT (%) TT1 21.62 (15.51) 41.67 (27.18)* .94 97.3; very likely
TT2 20.28 (14.40) 42.48 (31.28)* .97 95.0; very likely
* and †  p < 0.05 and p < 0.001 respectively, between pre- and post-time trail. TT = 30 km time trial 1; TT = 30 km time trial 2.