Table 5. Heart rate, maximal aerobic capacity and blood lactate response of Indian male boxers of different weight categories. Data are means (±SEM).
Parameters Light Weight
(n = 7)
Medium Weight
(n = 7)
Medium Heavy Weight
(n = 7)
VO2max (ml·kg-1 ·min-1) 58.30 (2.2) 56.81 (2.1) * 51.52 (2.1) *
RHR (bpm) 71 (9) 76 (5) 70 (8)
MHR (bpm) 185 (6) 184 (4) 183 (5)
HRR1 (bpm) 139 (10) 138 (5) 143 (11)
HRR2 (bpm) 115 (14) 120 (5) 121 (7)
HRR3 (bpm) 103 (5) 105 (3) 106 (10)
RL (mM·L-1) 2.2 (.4) 2.9 (.2) * 2.6 (.5)
PL (mM·L-1) 11.4 (1.9) 10.8 (1.4) 13.1 (0.9) *#
* p < 0.05 compared with Light Weight Category
# p < 0.05 compared with medium Weight RHR= resting heart rate, MHR= maximal heart rate, HRR1 = heart rate during 1st min recovery, HRR2 = heart rate during 2nd min recovery, HRR3 = heart rate during 3rd min recovery, VO= maximal oxygen uptake, RL = resting lactate concentration, PL = peak lactate concentration. Light Weight Category <54kg, Medium Weight Category 55-64 kg, Medium heavy Weight Category 65-75 kg.