Table 6. Heart rate (bpm) response to graded exercise on treadmill and actual boxing round in Indian boxers of different weight categories. Data are means (±SEM).
Light Weight
(n = 7)
Medium Weight
(n = 7)
Medium Heavy Weight
(n = 7)
Exercise Rest Exercise Rest Exercise Rest
Graded exercise
1st Grade 157 (8) 125 (6) 154 (10) 128 (7) 166 (10)# 125 (10)
2nd Grade 168 (5) 129 (8) 167 (6) 130 (7) 176 (10) 135 (9)
3rd Grade 177 (11) 138 (8) 179 (9) 141 (8) 180 (7) 146 (8)
Boxing round
1st Round 170 (6) * 145 (8) * 170 (5) * 144 (8) * 173 (7) 145 (8) *
2nd Round 178 (5) * 154 (7) * 177 (5) * 149 (9) * 181 (5) 151 (8) *
3rd Round 184 (6) * 164 (8) * 183 (5) 168 (5) * 183 (6) 161 (7) *
* p < 0.05 when compared between Graded exercise and Boxing round.
# p < 0.05 compared with Medium Weight Category.