Table 4. Mean (SD) durations of the different categories of PA during one representative week during school and the vacation periods as measured in a random sample of children and adolescents from 8 to16 years of age in Bogotá. NA: non applicable.
Category Questions Description School period (Hours/week) Vacation period (Hours/week)
1 1 Sleeping: 56.0 (7.0) 56.0 (7.0)
2 2, 3 Toilet including bathing, dressing & undressing 2.7 (1.75) 2.7 (1.75)
3 4, 5, 6 Meals (eating): 3 meals 7.8 (1.4) 7.8 (1.4)
4 7, 8 Transportation (to and from)

† Walking

† Riding by car or by bus

† Other (cycling, motorcycling, roller- skating,etc)


4.2 (.33)
1.5 (.25)

5.8 (.37)
5 9, 10 Classroom activities + homework 42.5 (5.0) NA
6 11 Mandatory physical education 3.0 (1.0) NA
7 12 Other activities in school: artistic (music, dancing, theater, arts, etc), craft activities and additional sports of leisure. 2.5 (.75) NA
8 13 Out school activities: miscellaneous activities (deskwork, TV watching, videogames, Music listening, reading and leisure sport activities, etc) 17.5 (.5) NA
9 14 Religious activities .75 (.25) .75 (.25)
10 15 Idem 8 but during vacation time NA 59.5 (7.0)
11 16 Personal artistic activities not associated with school 2.0 (.5) 2.0 (.5)
12 17 Sport competition and training (rare in our students) 9.0 (6.0) 9.0 (6.0)
13 18 Home activities sweeping, mopping, cleaning, washing laundry, ironing, cooking, child care, gardening, etc. 7.5 (.75) 7.5 (.75)