Table 3. Fitness performance at baseline and post-training. Data are presented as the mean (± SD).
Variable Group Baseline Post-training ∆%
Vertical jump (cm) RT 48.2 (10.7) 49.6 (10.1) 3.4 (5.2)
PRT 43.1 (8.4) 46.5 (9.2) * 8.1 (7.2)
Long jump (cm) RT 190.0 (23.1) 192.2 (25.4) 1.1 (4.3)
PRT 181.1 (25.9) 191.9 (28.5) * †  6.0 (3.7)
9.1 m sprint (sec) RT 2.1 (.14) 2.1 (.13) .2 (4.0)
PRT 2.2 (.12) 2.2 (.15) .3 (4.6)
Shuttle run (sec) RT 5.6 (.27) 5.6 (.25) -.3 (3.5)
PRT 5.6 (.18) 5.4 (.18) * †  -3.8 (5.1)
Ball Toss (cm) RT 321.7 (58.0) 339.4 (59.1) * 5.6 (4.6)
PRT 319.2 (96.9) 358.4 (85.2) * †  14.4 (9.8)
Flexibility (cm) RT 20.5 (8.9) 25.6 (5.9) * 29.0 (244.9)
PRT 18.4 (8.5) 21.2 (8.0) * 27.6 (49.2)
RT, resistance training group; PRT, plyometric training and resistance training group; ∆%, individual percent change.
* Significantly greater improvement from baseline (p < 0.05).
†  Significantly greater improvement than in RT group (p < 0.05).