Table 3. Comparison of p values for aEMG between LBP and Controls at each percentage of HAT (head, arms, trunk segment).
%HAT LBP vs. Control Between groups at each %HAT
100% 120% 140% 160%
Left ULES .355 .112 .235 1.128 .926
Effect size .86 1.26 .77 .04
Right ULES .088 .283 .648 .009* .703
Effect size .47 .23 1.16 .31
Left LLES .095 .161 .607 .744 .071
Effect size .70 .41 .12 .87
Right LLES .118 .251 .737 .186 .402
Effect size .60 .20 .77 .42
Left biceps femoris .312 .333 .345 .028* .965
Effect size .77 1.42 3.06 .03
Right biceps femoris .269 .636 .05* .018* .336
Effect size .23 1.35 3.55 .40
Effect sizes are included with the following descriptors: <0.4: small effect, 0.4- 0.7: moderate effect, >0.7: large effect. LBP: Low back pain. ULES: Upper lumbar erector spinae. LLES: Lower lumbar erector spinae.
* p ≤ 0.05.