Table 1. Quantities of protein, fat, carbohydrate and water consumed by the subjects during the preceding and the test day. Data are means (SD).
Day Control Treatment Placebo Sodium citrate
The preceding day Energy (kcal·day–1) 1966 (535) 1685 (584) 1869 (560)
Protein (g·day–1) 69.9 (19.8) 57.1 (28.5) 72.1 (25.3)
Fat (g·day–1) 65.5 (37.4) 51.7 (21.8) 61.8 (28.9)
Carbohydrate (g·day–1) 267.6 (125.3) 242.2 (106.9) 249.9 (86.8)
Water (g·day–1) 1829 (899) 1866 (1235) 1729 (742)
Test day Energy (kcal·day–1) 1403 (695) 1124 (504) 1318 (662)
Protein (g·day–1) 44.4 (25.4) 40.8 (23.1) 42.1 (25.8)
Fat (g·day–1) 44.3 (28.3) 35.2 (24.2) 39.3 (20.5)
Carbohydrate (g·day–1) 201.8 (118.0) 157.2 (80.8) 194.5 (107.0)
Water (g·day–1) 1053 (630) 1066 (482) 1071 (525)