Table 3. Average weekly hours of basketball participation in uninjured athletes and athletes suffering overuse and acute injuries. Data are means (SD).
Physical activity Overuse injuries Acute injuries Uninjured
Training 4.25 (1.3) 4.24 (1.62) 4.76 (2.22)
Competition 1.08 (.76) 1.3 (.88) 1.33 (.71)
Shooting .26 (.45) 1.43 (1.43) *a .56 (1.06)
Refereeing 2.28 (2.5) 1.12 (1.87) .54 (2.27) *b
Recreational .36 (.49) .47 (.88) .12 (.29)
* Significant Kruskal-Wallis score (p < 0 .05).
acute vs. uninjured; acute vs. overuse
overuse vs. uninjured