Table 2. Gender differences."/Pace" represents the variables after dividing by race pace.Data are means (±SD).
Variables Women Men p-value
Takeoff Dist (m)* 1.41 (.17) 1.66 (.19) < .001
Takeoff Dist/Pace .28 (.03) .28 (.03) .397
Crouching Height (m) .59 (.07) .58 (.05) .110
Pushoff Angle (deg)* 124 (26) 111 (26) < .001
Landing Dist (m)* 2.54 (.43) 2.85 (.34) < .001
Landing Dist/Pace .51 (.09) .49 (.06) .057
Velocity Through Jump (m/s)* 4.62 (.53) 5.44 (.45) < .001
Velocity through jump/Pace .92 (.10) .93 (.06) .257
Approach Velocity (m/s)* 5.32 (.49) 6.16 (.43) < .001
Approach Velocity/Pace 1.06 (.09) 1.05 (.06) .569
Exit Velocity (m/s)* 4.26 (.59) 5.13 (.61) < .001
Exit Velocity/Pace* .85 (.11) .88 (.09) .027
Loss of Velocity (m/s) 1.06 (.37) 1.02 (.45) .504
Loss of Velocity/Pace* .21 (.07) .18 (.08) < .001
Avg Race Speed 4.99 (.16) 5.79 (.26) < .001
Significantly different variables represented by "*".