Table 1. Observation system of the pre-competitive coach instruction.
Nature of the Information

Prescriptive † The coach gives an indication that the athlete should respect in the next combat, imposes a solution, possibly underlining the mistakes to avoid.

Descriptive † The coach describes the way the athlete accomplished any previous action.

Positive Evaluation † The coach evaluates the athletes' performance in a positive way or he praises and encourages the athlete.

Negative Evaluation † The coach evaluates the athlete's performance in a negative way reflecting disapproval.

Form of the Information

Verbal † The coach transmits the information in an exclusively verbal way;

Visual † The coach transmits the information in a non-verbal way, through gestures or facial expressions, which may show approval, disapproval or demonstration/simulation;

Kinesthetic † The coach transmits the information manipulating the athletes body;

Combined (Verbal/Visual or Verbal/Kinesthetic) † the information is transmitted in a verbal and gestural way or in a verbal way and with manipulation of the athlete's body, respectively.