Table 2. Changes in thigh flexion and extension during the 6 time points. NB movements into flexion negative, movements into extension positive. Data are means (±SD, n=6).
Time interval A (2-7 min) B (14-19 min) C (24-29 min) D (32-37 min) E (44-49 min) F (54-59 min)
Thigh flexion/extension at the catch (°) -28.7 (4.0) -29.1 (5.9) -29.0 (7.0) -28.5 (7.6) -27.7(8.9) -25.7 (8.9)
Maximal thigh flexion/extension (°) -29.8 (4.1) -30.1 (6.0) -30.1 (7.1) -29.6 (7.7) -29.1 (8.9) -27.0 (8.9)
% stroke where maximal thigh flexion/extension occurs 95.7 (5.4) 95.5 (5.2) 96.2 (4.7) 96.0 (4.6) 95.4 (4.7) 96.0 (4.8)
Femoral extension at the finish (°) 14.5 (4.5) 16.0 (4.7) 16.6 (5.7) 17.0 (6.7) 19.7 (7.4) 21.5 (8.1)
Maximal femoral extension (°) 17.7 (2.4) 18.5 (2.3) 19.1 (3.5) 20.0 (4.0) 22.0 (5.3) 23.4 (6.5)
% stroke where maximal femoral extension occurs 22.3 (4.3) 22.3 (4.5) 22.8(4.5) 22.8 (4.5) 23.0 (4.5) 22.8 (3.9)