Table 1. Cardiorespiratory responses to graded exercise test to fatigue (M+SE) (n=20) on a recumbent cycle ergometer. Data are means (±SD).
50 Watts 100 Watts 150 Watts 200 Watts Peak exercise
Ventilation (L.min-1) 16.5 (.9) 23.2 (.8)* 35.9 (1.1)* 52.3 (1.8)* 88.6 (4.0)*
VO2 (mL.min-1) 852 (52) 1323 (40)* 1996 (41)* 2541 (36)* 3285 (107)*
% of Peak VO2 26.2 (1.1) 40.9 (1.5)* 61.3 (1.8)* 78.6 (2.3)* NA
RER .82 (.02) .84 (.02) .95 (.03)* 1.08 (.02)* 1.18 (.03)*
Heart Rate (b.min-1) 93 (3) 108 (3)* 133 (3)* 157 (4)* 179 (3)*
* indicates difference from previous time point.