Table 3. Means (± standard deviations) of estimated daily calcium intake in all participants, athletes, and controls, measured via the LMU RAM and the 3DR are reported. The agreements between the data derived from the 3DR and LMU RAM, or LMU RAM with out supplements, are evaluated using the Pearson correlation coefficients (r) and Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC).
All Participants
(n = 47)
(n = 33)
(n = 14)
Calcium Intake Measured by 3DR (mg/d) 1085 (573) 1142 (641) 951 (353)
Calcium Intake Measured by LMU RAM (mg/d) 935 (420) 983 (463) 824 (278)
Pearson (r) .83 * .84 * .69 *
ICC .76 †  .77 †  .63 † 
Calcium Intake Measured by LMU RAM (mg/d) w/o Supplements 763 (290) 737 (296) 824 (278)
Pearson (r) .56 * .59 * .69 *
ICC .30 †  .25 .63 † 
Pearson correlation coefficient (r), p < 0.01,
Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), p < 0.001.
LMU RAM = Loyola Marymount University Rapid Assessment Method questionnaire, 3DR = three-day diet record, mg/d = milligrams per day.