Table 2. Means (±SD) of all variables.
Variable Group Pre-Fatigue Fatigue
Pkf ♀ 2.31 (.50) 1.81 (.75)
(multiple of BW) ♂ 2.71 (.94) 2.36 (1.06)
♀+♂ 2.50 (.80) 2.06 (.93)
KFlexCon ♀ 14.4 (7.3) 17.0 (15.0)
(Degrees) ♂ 17.7 (5.7) 16.9 (11.3)
♀+♂ 15.9 (6.7) 16.9 (13.2)
KFlexROM ♀ 60.5 (8.7) 57.3 (6.6)
(Degrees) ♂ 57.5 (7.6) 62.5 (8.3)
♀+♂ 59.1 (8.2) 59.7 (7.7)
FPmax ♀ 5.6 (10.5) 4.3 (10.3)
(Degrees) ♂ -2.6 (15.0) a -1.1 (16.5) a
♀+♂ 1.8 (13.2) 1.8 (13.5)
FP30 ♀ 5.4 (5.0) 4.8 (4.9)
(Degrees) ♂ 1.9 (5.8) 1.3 (5.3)
♀+♂ 3.8 (5.6) 3.2 (5.3)
FProm30 ♀ 3.6 (2.5) 3.5(4.0)
(Degrees) ♂ .4 (3.2) 1.5 (3..0)
♀+♂ 2.1 (3.2) 2.6 (3.6)
FPrommax ♀ 3.7 (7.5) 2.96 (8.46)
(Degrees) ♂ -4.2 (12.8)a -.8 (14.2) a
♀+♂ .1 (10.9) 1.2 (11.4)
VL ♀ 73.5 (7.7) 73.1 (18.7)
(RMS) (%*) ♂ 77.1 (7.4) 87.1 (33.2)
♀+♂ 75.2 (7.6) 79.6 (26.8)
VM ♀ 77.5 (6.8) 73.8 (16.3)
(RMS) (%*) ♂ 74.1 (9.4) 71.9 (20.3)
♀+♂ 75.9 (8.1) 72.9 (17.9)
MH ♀ 71.6 (12.4) 72.8 (30.8)
(RMS) (%*) ♂ 70.6 (9.8) 69.1 (28.3)
♀+♂ 71.2 (11.1) 71.1 (29.1)
LH ♀ 70.4 (14.0) 78.9 (43.1)
(RMS) (%*) ♂ 77.3 (36.2) 89.9 (36.2)
♀+♂ 73.6 (12.1) 84.0 (39.7)
GA ♀ 70.8 (7.2) 73.1 (15.1)
(RMS) (%*) ♂ 70.2 (7.2) 78.1 (31.3)
♀+♂ 70.6 (7.1) 75.4 (23.6)
negative value indicates valgus; positive value indicates varus. Pkf = Peak vertical ground reaction force, BW = body weight, KFlexCon = Knee flexion angle at initial contact, FPmax = Frontal plane knee angle at maximum knee flexion, FP30 = Maximum frontal plane angle at 30 degrees of knee flexion, FProm30 = Knee range of motion in the frontal plane from 0 degrees of knee flexion to 30 degrees of knee flexion, FPrommax = Knee range of motion in the frontal plane from 0 degrees of knee flexion to maximum knee flexion, VL = vastus lateralis muscle, VM = vastus medialis muscle, MH = medial hamstring muscles, LH = lateral hamstring muscle, GA = gastrocnemius muscle (Lateral head), * = RMS was normalized to a percent of the greatest RMS value, for that muscle, during the pre-fatigue condition.