Table 2. Differences between winning and losing teams in game statistics from the Six Nations rugby tournament (seasons 2003-2006).
Variable Winner Loser P1
M SD Median M SD Median
Variables related to points scored
  Points scored 30.41 10.39 30.5 13.50 6.97 13.0 .000
  Tries scored 3.29 2.04 3.0 1.28 1.09 1.0 .000
  Successful conversions 2.33 1.55 2.0 .84 .87 1.0 .000
  Penalty goal errors .85 .76 1.0 .87 1.22 1.0 .682
  Successful penalty goals 2.76 1.60 3.0 1.76 1.27 1.5 .001
  Drop errors .60 .93 .0 .31 0.54 .0 .414
  Successful drops .28 .59 .0 .17 0.42 .0 .134
Variables related to phases of play
  Scrums won 8.09 3.07 8.0 7.97 3.10 8.0 .820
  Scrums lost .12 .33 .0 0.29 0.46 .0 .022
  Line-outs won 17.46 3.76 17.5 16.75 4.32 17.0 .297
  Line-outs lost 2.18 1.61 2.0 3.38 2.11 3.0 .001
  Balls won in open play 62.43 19.13 57.5 66.10 19.55 62.5 .228
  Balls won in the opponent’s 22mts zone 17.12 11.05 15.5 17.41 13.24 14.5 .744
  Balls won in the attack phases 35.55 5.53 35.0 34.62 6.44 34.5 .384
  Mauls won 6.91 3.44 7.0 5.03 2.77 5.0 .001
  Ruck and drive 15.57 11.12 12.0 19.02 12.72 14.0 .118
  Errors made 18.69 5.25 19.0 19.40 6.54 18.5 .759
  Ruck and pass 39.95 17.72 37.5 42.05 16.53 39.0 .457
Variables related to game development
  Line breaks 6.32 4.11 6.0 4.41 4.23 3.0 .009
  Penalty goals conceded 10.07 3.13 10.0 10.00 2.78 10.0 .881
  Possessions kicked 131.47 42.48 130.5 131.66 36.46 125.0 .899
  Possessions of kicks to touch 29.41 8.33 29.0 26.10 7.42 25.0 .021
  Kicks to touch 10.80 3.82 10.0 9.82 3.58 10.0 .247
  Tackles made 84.84 24.85 84.0 78.64 25.85 74.5 .169
  Tackles missed 9.74 4.65 9.0 11.28 6.24 10.0 .284
  Tackle completion 89.55 4.34 89.5 87.57 3.88 87.5 .025
  Passed completed 131.7 39.96 133.00 123.61 38.22 121.50 .204
  Turnovers won 8.28 4.20 8.0 6.45 3.51 6.0 .024
Mann-Whitney U.