Table 2. Pre- and Post-test mean accuracy (absolute error) in meters, as a function of group and club (± SD).
PW 7 Iron 4 Iron Overall
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
SMT 10.1 (3.6) 7.7 (1.7) * 14.4 (3.8) 11.4 (1.8) †  15.0 (4.4) 12.5 (2.8) 13.1 (3.1) 10.5 (1.5) *
Control 9.0 (2.9) 10.0 (3.0) 13.6 (3.6) 13.6 (4.5) 14.9 (3.8) 16.0 (4.7) 12.5 (2.9) 13.1 (3.3)
* and †  denote p < 0.05 and p < 0.01 respectively compared with pre.