Table 1. Lower extremity muscle strength testing techniques.
Muscle Group Description of Testing Technique
Quadriceps Subject seated, test leg in 90° of knee flexion. The dynamometer was placed over the anterior aspect of the subject’s shank just proximal to the ankle joint. The subject was instructed to extend their knee with maximal effort.
Hamstrings Subject prone, test leg in 90° of knee flexion. The dynamometer was positioned over the posterior aspect of the subject’s shank just proximal to the ankle joint. The subject was instructed to flex their knee with maximal effort.
Hip External Rotators Subject prone, test leg in 90° of knee flexion and neutral hip rotation. The dynamometer was placed over the medial aspect of the subject’s shank just proximal to the ankle joint. The subject was instructed to externally rotate their hip with maximal effort.
Hip Internal Rotators Subject prone, test leg in 90° of knee flexion and neutral hip rotation. The dynamometer was placed over the lateral aspect of the subject’s shank just proximal to the ankle joint. The subject was instructed to internally rotate their hip with maximal effort.
Gluteus Maximus Subject prone, test leg in 90° of knee flexion.The dynamometer was placed over the posterior aspect of the subject’s thigh just proximal to the knee joint line. The subject was instructed to extend their hip with maximal effort while keeping their knee in the flexed position.
Gluteus Medius Subject side lying, test leg in neutral hip extension and aligned parallel with their torso. The dynamometer was placed over the lateral aspect of the subject’s thigh just proximal to the knee joint line. The subject was instructed to abduct their hip with maximal effort.