Table 3. Change in risk factors of type 2 diabetes mellitus after 12 weeks of exercise training. Data are means (±SE).
Baseline 12 weeks
Variable Group Rest Max Rest Max
HbA1c (%) CE 8.01 (.35) 8.07 (.36) 7.36 (.28) † †  7.37 (.30) ##
WE 8.21 (.41) 8.37 (.43) 8.00 (.38) 7.91 (.40) #
Insulin (μU·dl-1) CE 13.45 (2.53) 12.29 (1.72) 11.41 (1.87) 10.17 (1.02)
WE 17.04 (4.76) 14.57 (3.24) 10.64 (1.49) †  8.29 (1.10) *
C-peptide (ng·dl-1) CE 2.83 (.75) 2.63 (.74) 1.99 (.37) 1.84 (.34)
WE 2.46 (.66) 2.46 (.62) 1.22 (.15) †  .87 (.17) # ψ
Glucose (mg·dl-1) CE 136.4 (8.8) 139.1 (8.0) ‡ 129.3 (10.6) 140.0 (10.1) *
WE 121.3 (10.0) 126.4 (10.3) 119.8 (8.3) 113.9 (8.4)
HOMA-IR CE 4.57 (.92) 4.19 (.58) 3.70 (.77) 3.49 (.39)
WE 4.96 (1.26) 4.46 (.87) 3.26 (.57) 2.39 (.43) #
†  and † †  denote p < 0.05 and 0.01 respectively, baseline rest (BR) vs. 12 weeks rest (TR), ‡ p < 0.05 baseline rest (BR) vs. baseline max (BM), * p < 0.05 12 weeks rest (TR) vs. 12 weeks max (TM), # and ## denote p < 0.05 and 0.01 respectively, baseline max (BM) vs. 12 weeks max (TM),ψ p < 0.05 between groups.