Table 2 Comparison mean (±SD) of GRF, loading rate, knee extension moment, and proximal tibia anterior shear force lower extremity during landing between hop-jump and step-close-jump tasks.
Hop-jump Step-close-jump
Peak posterior GRF during landing (BW) -1.26 (.08) -.71 (.15) ***
Peak vertical GRF during landing (BW) 1.85 (.23) 1.83 (.17)
Time at which peak vertical GRF occurred following initial
foot contact the with ground (sec)
.07 (.03) .10 (.03) *
Peak vertical loading rate (BW/sec) 38.3 (25.0) 19.1 (6.0) *
Peak knee extension moment during landing (Nm/BW) .56 (.10) .51 (.23)
* denote p < 0.05 respectively
*** denote p < 0.001 respectively