Table 1 Female’s means and standard deviations for GRF variables in the three shoe conditions. Data are means (±SD).
Running Shoes (A) Racing Flats (B) Spikes (C)
Peak Vertical Impact Force (BW) 2.47 (.37) 2.54 (.37) 2.77 (.45)
Loading Rate (BW/s) 148 (54) 175 (108) 191 (136)
Stance Time (s) .167 (.009) B .160 (.008) A .161 (.008)
Vertical Stiffness (BW/m) 61 (26) 71 (60) 105 (95)
Peak Braking Force (BW) -.70 (.20) -.78 (.23) -.73 (.22)
Peak Propulsion Force (BW) .54 (.05) B .58 (.04) A .57 (.05)
Peak Vertical Force (BW) 2.95 (.23) 2.97 (.29) 3.09 (.46)
Superscripts denote a significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups.