Table 2 Male’s means and standard deviations for GRF variables in the three shoe conditions. Data are means (±SD).
Running Shoes (A) Racing Flats (B) Spikes (C)
Peak Vertical Impact Force (BW) 2.36 (.55) BC 2.96 (.67) A 3.06 (.48) A
Loading Rate (BW/s) 151 (47) BC 247 (73) A 232 (117) A
Stance Time (s) .157 (.013) .153 (.011) .151 (.012)
Vertical Stiffness (BW/m) 70 (28) C 133 (95) 151 (114) A
Peak Braking Force (BW) -.67 (.14) BC -.88 (.26) A -.88 (.21) A
Peak Propulsion Force (BW) .52 (.10) .55 (.10) .56 (.10)
Peak Vertical Force (BW) 3.16 (.24) 3.46 (.49) 3.44 (.44)
Superscripts denote a significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups.