Table 2 Baseline and post-intervention physiological results for the CON (n=14) and the INT groups (n=12). Data are means (±SD).
CON Group INT Group
Baseline Post Intervention Baseline Post Intervention
VO2peak (ml·kg-1·min-1) 25.5 (3.6) 29.3 (3.7) 27.3 (5.2) 31.5 (6.5)
Time to exhaustion (min) 14.9 (3.4) 19.5 (3.2) 14.9 (4.0) 19.6 (4.0)
Resting heart rate (bpm) 75 (13) 77 (12) 76 (11) 77 (9)
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 114.0 (13.6) 114.8 (15.6) 123.3 (17.9) 118.4 (14.6)
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 77.4 (7.4) 79.2 (6.4) 80.6 (11.4) 77.0 (8.3)
Final rating of perceived exertion 17.6 (1.9) 17.9 (1.7) 17.9 (1.9) 17.8 (1.9)