Table 3. Mean (±SD) isokinetic peak torque and reciprocal strength ratios values per crossed combination of joint, motion, type of contraction, PTA and body side in professional soccer players (N=100).
Joint (motion) Type of contraction (testing speed) Professional Training Age (PTA)
5-7 years (N=34) 8-10 years (N=30) ≥ 11 years (N=36)
Right Left Right Left Right Left
Knee Extension Con60 236 (32) 227 (34) 251 (42) 245 (36) 240 (34) 235 (34)
Con 180 165 (23) 161 (22) 173 (29) 173 (6) 170 (26) 167 (24)
Con 300 133 (17) 132 (19) 137 (23) 137 (18) 137 (21) 135 (18)
Ecc60 310 (60) 299 (55) 325 (53) 314 (52) 318 (66) 306 (74)
Ecc 180 282 (53) 285 (65) 303 (44) 299 (44) 295 (64) 293 (67)
Flexion Con 60 133 (25) 126 (24) 141 (24) 140 (26) 140 (22) 138 (20)
Con 180 103 (18) 96 (17) 110 (16) 106 (19) 107 (17) 105 (15)
Con 300 92 (17) 87 (16) 99 (13) 98 (15) 93 (15) 95 (18)
Ecc 60 184 (42) 183 (43) 189 (44) 193 (39) 203 (32) 200 (46)
Ecc 180 180 (38) 179 (36) 190 (36) 187 (45) 194 (39) 194 (38)
Ankle Dorsal Con 60 24 (5) 23 (5) 25 (5) 24 (5) 23 (6) 22 (5)
flexion Ecc 60 50 (8) 50 (10) 50 (9) 52 (9) 49 (8) 48 (8)
Plantar Con 60 111 (22) 109 (19) 120 (22) 121 (23) 121 (25) 119 (25)
Flexion Ecc 60 212 (46) 207 (37) 218 (38) 215 (36) 216 (42) 204 (41)
KneeStrength Ratios Conv. ratio 60 deg/sec .56 (.80) .55 (.10) .56 (.80) .58 (.70) .58 (.80) .59 (.10)
180 deg/sec .62 (.10) .59 (.10) .64 (.60) .61 (.90) .63 (.80) .63 (.90)
300 deg/sec .69 (.90) .66 (.60) .72 (.60) .69 (.10) .68 (.10) .71 (.70)
Funct. ratio 60 deg/sec .78 (.10) .80 (.10) .76 (.10) .84 (.10) .86 (.1 0) .85 (.10)
180 deg/sec 1.09 (.20) 1.11 (.20) 1.10 (.20) 1.09 (.20) 1.14 (.20) 1.17 (.20)
Con = Concentric, Ecc = Eccentric, Conv = Conventional concentric knee ratio (Concentric Knee Flexion/Concentric Knee Extension), Funct = Functional knee ratio (Eccentric Knee Flexion/ Concentric Knee Extension).