Table 1. Changes in anthropometric variables and thigh muscle cross-sectional area and muscle volume. Values are mean(SD).
BFR-Training Group CON-Training Group
Pre Post %∆ Pre Post %∆
Anthropometric variables
Height, m 1.72 (.07) 1.71 (.04)
Weight, kg 61.1 (8.4) 62.0 (9.0) 1.4 61.7 (6.3) 61.4 (6.1) –.4
BMI, kg·m-2 21.2 (2.5) 21.5 (2.5) 1.4 21.0 (2.4) 20.9 (2.3) –.4
Thigh girth, cm 49.7 (3.1) 50.5 (3.0)a 1.7b 50.0 (3.9) 49.7 (3.6) –.6
Muscle cross-sectional area, cm2
Thigh at 50% 142.3 (8.7) 147.1 (9.2)c 3.4d 144.0 (17.6) 144.1 (15.0) .1
Quadriceps at 50% 69.5 (5.4) 72.6 (5.3)c 4.6b 70.7 (7.3) 71.0 (6.5) .6
Muscle volume, cm3
Thigh 3508 (283) 3641 (320)c 3.8b 3696 (447) 3689 (418) –.1
Quadriceps 1575 (153) 1655 (132)c 5.1b 1730 (190) 1731 (180) –.1
BMI, body mass index. Significant differences between BFR-training and CON-training:
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01. Significant differences between pre- and posttraining:
p < 0.05
p < 0.01