Table 1. The descriptive data (mean (standard deviation)) of the subject groups.
Control ACLD
Acute Chronic
Gender, men/women, n 22/18 13/7 16/4
Age, years 21.8 (4.2) 24.9 (6.7) 26.2 (6.5)
Body height, m 1.66 (.08) 1.71 (.09) 1.73 (.07)
Body weight, kg 64.6 (13.6) 71.3 (15.8) 69.5 (11.8)
BMI, kg/m2 22.6 (5.27) 24.0 (4.0) 23.2 (3.1)
Post-injury duration, months - 4.0 (2.9) 60.0 (72.2)
Lysholm score [range] 100 68 (14) [42-94] 65 (18) [36-98]
Before injury After injury Before injury After injury
Tegner activity level scale [range] 6 (3) [1-9] 6 (3) [2-9] 2 (2) [1-7] 8 (2) [1-9] 4 (3) [1-8]