Table 1. The results of the intra-rater reliability and the factorial analysis for the 21 newly constructed tasks.
ICC Mean (±SD) F
Object control skills
Rolling the ball by hand to a wall (sec) .88 4.91 (.86) .83
Dribbling the football around cones (sec) .89 4.59 (1.24) .72
Rolling the handball around cones (sec) .89 4.04 (.73) .81
Tossing and catching the tennis ball against a wall (sec) .96 5.40 (1.35) .83
Tossing and catching the volleyball against a wall (sec) .92 5.57 (1.24) .84*
Surmounting obstacles skills
Running across obstacles (sec) .96 4.91 (.59) .87*
Skipping across obstacles (sec) .97 4.74 (.54) .82
Crawling through obstacles (sec) .93 7.08 (1.00) .86
Single-leg hops (sec) .93 5.23 (.78) .86
Jumping over and through obstacles (sec) .92 6.34 (1.01) .78
Resistance overcoming skills
Rolling a tube backwards (sec) .85 4.62 (.79) .67
Carrying the medicine balls (sec) .90 5.33 (.59) .86*
Carrying the BOSU ball around cones (sec) .94 7.56 (.94) .70
Rolling the ball around cones (sec) .92 5.35 (.74) .78
Pulling the bag (sec) .83 6.31 (.98) .57
Lifting the medicine ball onto a table (sec) .94 5.96 (.89) .75
Space covering skills
Chest crawling (sec) .93 3.57 (.75) .82
Straight running (sec) .95 4.53 (.31) .83*
Rolling sideways (sec) .89 3.31 (.70) .77
Changing course running (sec) .92 4.07 (.41) .71
Beam walking (sec) .94 5.88 (1.34) .69
*tasks with the highest projections that were later inserted in the FMS-POLYGON