Table 1. Fitted parameter values of the projection variables and kicking mechanics variables for the two participants. Data are means (± standard error).
Variable Fit parameter Participant 1 Participant 2
symbol units (58 kicks) (25 kicks)
Projection velocity vmax m·s-1 26.9 (.2) 24.2 (.2)
θmax deg 50 (2) 41 (2)
A (m·s-1)/deg2 .0017 (.0005) .0021 (.0007)
r .51 .57
Projection height lleg m .62 (.03) .57 (.05)
hmin m .37 (.01) .28 (.02)
r .94 .92
Ball spin rate É·o deg·s-1 -4.5 (.4) -4.7 (5.7)
B1 rev·s-1 .04 (.06) 1.1 (4.9)
B2 /deg .06 (.02) .02 (.04)
r .79 .61
Foot velocity vmax m·s-1 18.0 (.1) 16.4 (.2)
θmax deg 44 (5) 46 (3)
A (m·s-1)/deg2 .0007 (.0003) .0013 (.0005)
r .48 .49
Horizontal hip velocity m (m·s-1)/deg -.022 (.004) .002 (.012)
c m·s-1 2.6 (.2) 2.0 (.5)
r .56 .04
Thigh rotational ROM m deg/deg .34 (.05) .01 (.07)
c deg 89 (2) 78 (3)
r .71 .04
Shank angular velocity m (deg·s-1)/deg 1.4 (.6) 4.7 (1.2)
c deg·s-1 1760 (30) 1400 (50)
r .30 .04
Thigh angular velocity m (deg·s-1)/deg -.4 (.8) -1.1 (1.0)
c deg·s-1 80 (50) 150 (40)
r .06 .23
Knee angle m deg/deg .13 (.03) -.01 (.06)
c deg 50 (2) 68 (3)
r .47 .03
Max thigh angular velocity m (deg·s-1)/deg -.1 (.9) -.8 (1.4)
c deg·s-1 1160 (50) 930 (60)
r .02 .12
and are the gradient and -intercept of a linear fit to the data, and is the correlation coefficient.