Table 4. Numbers (n) and daily steps counts according to prevalence of overweight and obesity according to the international BMI cut-off points for boys and girls.
Boys Girls Total
BMI status n Daily step count Daily step count N Daily step count
Normal Weight 181 14.266 (4.553) 189 11.167 (4.117) 370 12.684 (4.599)
Overweight 61 12.001 (3.877) 67 9.526 (3.484) 128 10.705 (3.867)
Obese 21 10.571 (4.274) 13 9.048 (2.902) 34 9.988 (3.834)
Total 263 13.446 (4.549) 269 10.656 (3.986) 532 12.035 (4.492)