Table 1. Soleus M wave associated with H (M), peak twitch torque associated with H (PT), H onset latency and M onset latency before and after RPMS. Values are means (± SD).
Treatment group (n = 13) Control group (n = 11)
pre post p pre post p
MHmax .628 (.319) .630 (.294) .973 .731 (.426) .697 (.405) .754
PTH (Nm) 10.20 (2.67) 10.13 (2.81) .794 10.53 (3.19) 10.70 (4.09) .739
Hmax onset latency (ms) 31.04 (1.01) 31.34 (1.14) .003 30.22 (1.74) 30.38 (1.79) .011
Mmax onset latency (ms) 4.72 (.29) 4.78 (.33) .366 4.67 (.37) 4.73 (.39) .167