Table 4 Standardized coefficients from the discriminant analysis of the game statistics between home and away teams in the Spanish Football League.
Game statistics variable Function
All teams Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Goals scored .363* .635* .438* .307* -.015
Total shots .082 -.131 .349* .227 .251
Shots on goal .060 -.407* -.018 .200 .180
Attacking moves .110 .613* -.116 .194 .042
Box moves .098 .044 .365* -.090 -.052
Crosses .657* .480* .712* .443* .596*
Offsides committed .186 .400* .164 .087 .172
Losses of possession -.503* -.331* -.340 -.591* -.702*
Fouls received -.145 -.153 -.091 -.488* -.092
Assists .027 .526* -.247 .009 -.510*
Passes made 1.474* 1.432* 1.709* 1.632* -.396*
Successful passes -1.482* -.858* -1.709* -1.328* .007
Dribbles made .228 -.611* 1.018* -.050 .283
Successful dribbles -.295 .604* -1.161* -.144 -.073
Ball possession -.207 -.691* -.088 -.115 .190
Gains of possession .414* .001 .151 .413* .912*
Fouls committed .331* .347* .341* .396* .195
Yellow Cards -.183* -.029 -.200 -.114 -.385*
Red Cards -.161 -.059 .213 .253 .326*
Clearances -.091 -.313* .199 -.118 -.312*
Eigenvalue .274 .348 .650 .374 .261
Wilks’ Lambda .785 .742 .606 .728 .793
Canonical Correlation .463 .508 .628 .522 .455
Chi-square 180.859 53.154 89.104 56.558 41.305
Df 20 20 20 20 20
Significance .00 .00 .00 .00 .003
% of Variance 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Reclassification, % 70.8 72.1 77.9 71.6 67.4
*SC discriminant value ≥|.30|