Table 1 The validity of the Chronojump System, compared with the Biopac System, and the linear encoder (criterion measure) distance and velocity calculations (n=10).
Parameter Paired Differences 95% confidence
interval of mean
M SD SEM Lower Upper t value df Significance
Distance 40kg -.007 .014 .001 -.010 -.004 -4.83 86 .000
Distance 50kg .015 .011 .001 .012 .017 11.30 77 .000
Distance 60kg .031 .013 .001 .028 .035 21.00 75 .000
Velocity 40kg -.012 .024 .002 -.017 -.007 -4.76 86 .000
Velocity 50kg .027 .020 .002 .022 .031 11.81 77 .000
Velocity 60kg .056 .019 .002 .051 .060 24.81 75 .000
Global Distance .012 .020 .001 .009 .014 9.19 242 .000
Global Velocity .022 .035 .002 .017 .026 9.66 242 .000