Table 2 Descriptive statistics for study variables and differences between means on supplement and placebo conditions.
N = 37 Mean (±SD) Min – Max p-value
General Vitality a 4.50 (1.19) 1.00 – 6.83
ReducedSense of Accomplishment b 2.49 (.73) 1.00 – 3.60
Emotional/Physical Exhaustion b 3.25 (.79) 1.20 – 4.80
Devaluation b 2.79 (.97) 1.00 – 4.60
N = 34
Current Vitality a Supplement
4.21 (1.07)
3.99 (.83)
1.42 – 6.83
2.25 – 6.00
Energetic c Supplement
2.38 (.61)
2.31 (.59)
1.00 – 3.60
1.20 – 4.00
Tiredness c Supplement
2.27 (.71)
2.45 (.66)
1.00 – 3.7 0
1.20 – 4.00
Tension c Supplement
1.64 (.48)
1.62 (.44)
1.00 – 2.70
1.00 – 2.50
Calmness c Supplement
2.32 (.52)
2.44 (.54)
1.40 – 3.60
1.10 – 3.50
Scores are on a scale of 1 to 7 for the General Vitality Scale and Current Feelings of Vitality Scale.
Scores are on a scale of 1 to 5 for the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire.
Scores are on a scale of 1 to 4 for the Activation-Deactivation Adjective Checklist.