Table 2 Physiological/perceptual responses of tennis players during the off-court and on-court interval training sessions. Data are means (±SD).
Parameters Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Interaction
(IT x Set)
Off-Court On-Court Off-Court On-Court Off-Court On-Court Off-Court On-Court
%HRmax 93.8 (2.5)a,b,c 94.2 (2.9)a,b,c 96 (2.1)b,c 95.7 (2.0)b,c 96.9 (1.7)c 96.6 (1.4)c 97.5 (1.8) 97.5 (1.1) .93
LA 3.4(.7)a,b,c 4.4 (2.2)a,b,c 6.7 (1.3) 6.8 (2.3) 7.3 (1.8) 6.7 (1.6) 8.1 (1.6) 7.2 (2.2) .64
RPE 14.8 (2.1)a,b,c 15.1 (1.8)a,b,c 16.3 (2.2)b,c 16.1 (1.3)b,c 17.3 (2.1)c 16.6 (1.5)c 18 (1.9) 17.3 (1.6) .50
%HR: percentage of maximum HR; LA: blood lactate concentration (mmol.L); RPE: ratings of perceived exertion; IT: interval training;
a: significant difference vs. Set 2 (< 0.05)
b: vs. Set 3
c: vs. Set 4.