Table 3 Summary of the distance and angle parameters. Data are means (±SD).
Pretest Posttest
Stance width (m) 1.49 (.03) 1.51 (.02)
Normalised stance width ( % BH) 87.43 (2.00) 88.59 (1.70)
Front foot ball distance at T1 (m)* -1.13 (.03) -1.22 (.05)
Normalized front foot ball at T1 (% BH)* -66.12 (1.90) - 71.20 (3.30)
Drag-flick distance (m) 1.98 (.15) 2.05 (.12)
Normalised drag-flick length (% BH) 116.30 (8.63) 119.97 (7.30)
Drag-flick mean velocity (m/s) 9.9 (.8) 9.9 (.5)
Knee angle at T1 (°)* 161.8 (2.3) 157.1 (1.4)
Knee angle at T6 (°)* 124.3 (2.7) 130.2 (4.0)
Knee range of motion T1-T6 (°)* 37.7 (3.7) 27.3 (3.9)
Abbreviations: BH: body height; T1: foot contact; T6: ball release.
* p<0.01