Table 1 General baseline characteristics of the study participants ( = 38). Data are means (±SD).
Exercise (n=26) Control (n=12) P-value *
Age (years) 68.19 (3.66) 68.16 (5.14) .986
Sex (n) Male 7 (26.9%) 2 (16.7%)
Female 19 (73.1%) 10 (83.3%)
Education (years) 6.23 (1.45) 4.66 (3.02) .112
BMI (kg·m-2) 25.71 (2.87) 25.90 (2.38) .845
WC(cm) 94.43 (6.22) 92.95 (5.05) .481
Triglyceride (mg·dl-1) 126.76 (54.41) 134.90 (50.0) .155
Glucose (mg·dl-1) 102.00 (10.86) 96.55 (6.71) .504
HDL cholesterol (mg·dl-1) 53.38 (14.20) 44.08 (7.57) .041
SBP (mmHg) 131.92 (11.73) 133.41 (7.68) .690
DBP (mmHg) 80.11 (6.95) 80.91 (5.83) .731
CERAD-K Verbal Fluency 13.46 (3.56) 11.66 (3.98) .173
Boston naming test 11.61 (2.15) 10.25 (2.95) .116
MMSE-KC 26.42 (2.10) 25.66 (2.77) .358
Word list learning 18.50 (4.10) 15.50 (5.10) .060
Constructional praxis 9.38 (1.57) 9.75 (1.05) .471
Word list recall 6.26 (1.90) 5.08 (1.78) .358
Word list recognition 9.19 (1.13) 8.41 (1.62) .096
Constructional recall 6.73 (2.79) 5.08 (2.19) .080
Trail making A 144.34 (125.08) 120.40 (80.38) .549
Trail making B 239.54 (87.63) 266.16 (65.71) .356
Total score 68.42 (9.75) 60.66 (13.25) .088
SGDS-K 3.88 (3.53) 5.16 (4.04) .327
* Statistical significance was tested using independent -tests. or χ test.
BMI: body mass index; WC: waist circumference; TG: triglycerides; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; CERAD-K: Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s disease- Korean version; MMSE-KC: Mini-Mental State Examination-Korean version, SGDS-K: Short Geriatric Depression Scales- Korean version.