Table 1 Ball-related kinematics of jump shots performed from different distances. Data are means (± standard error).
Distance of Shooting Statistics
Variables 6.4 m 4.6 m 2.8 m F Significance
Accuracy (%) 37.0 (11.6)bc 62.0 (12.3)a 59.0 (20.3)a F2,27 = 8.10 p = .003*
Release Height (m) 2.33 (.14)c 2.38 (.14)c 2.46 (.11)ab F2,27 = 11.0 p < .001*
Release Angle (°) 69.32 (10.58) 65.60 (12.54)c 78.92 (8.84)b F2,27 = 5.4 p = .014**
Release Resultant Velocity (m·s-1) 6.89 (.62)bc 5.75 (.50)ac 4.39 (.36)ab F2,27 = 80.7 p < .001*
Release Horizontal Velocity (m·s-1) 4.18 (.34)bc 3.56 (.40)ac 2.66 (.24)ab F2,27 = 75.2 p < .001*
Release Vertical Velocity (m) 5.46 (.69)bc 4.44 (.62)ac 3.48 (.43)ab F2,27 = 49.4 p < .001*
Total Time (s) .666 (.083)bc .738 (.097)a .774 (.108)a F2,27 = 13.4 p < .001*
Time Until Ball’s Release (s) .573 (.080)bc .641 (.101)a .675 (.105)a F2,27 = 12.3 p < .001*
Significant difference (p < 0.05) when compared to the shot performed at
6.4 m
4.6 m
2.8 m
> 0.78.