Table 2 Center of mass variables (mean and standard error) of the jump shots performed from different distances. Data are means (± standard error).
Distance of Shooting Statistics
Variables 6.4 m 4.6 m 2.8 m F Significance
Maximum vertical displacement (m) 1.25 (.05) 1.24 (.08)c 1.30 (.08)b F2,27 = 5.08 p = .017**
Maximum horizontal displacement (m) .503 (.180) .509 (.124) .397 (.131) F2,27 = 2.14 P = .146
Release vertical displacement (m) .388 (.089)c .432 (.078) .462 (.070)c F2,27 = 4.0 P < .036**
Release horizontal displacement (m) .303 (.062) .310 (.165) .203 (.186) F2,27 = 2.1 P = .156
Maximum vertical velocity (m·s-1) 2.22 (.244) 2.25 (.25) 2.34 (.20) F2,27 = .9 P = .41
Maximum horizontal velocity (m·s-1) 1.05 (.32)c .91 (.28) .76 (.21)a F2,27 = 5.0 P = .018**
Release vertical velocity (m·s-1) .984 (.693)bc .399 (.754)ac -.256 (.618)ab F2,27 = 54,0 P < .001*
Release horizontal velocity (m·s-1) .171 (.407) .086 (.325) .028 (.159) F2,27 = 1.05 p = .370
S ignificant difference (p < 0.05) when compared to the shot performed at
6.4 m
4.6 m
2.8 m
effect size with
=0.75 to 0.63.