Table 2 Physical characteristics at the examinations. Data are expressed as means (± standard deviation).
Exercise group Control group
n 17 81
First examination (early second trimester)
SBP (mmHg) 107.1 (9.3) 110.8 (12.3)
DBP(mmHg) 63.2 (9.0) 65.4 (9.5)
Body weight (kg) 52.1 (5.6) 51.2 (9.1)
Second examination (after delivery)
SBP (mmHg) 110.3 (11.9) 114.2 (11.7)
DBP(mmHg) 67.9 (8.5) 68.9 (8.2)
Body weight (kg) 54.8 (5.8) 54.4 (6.9)
GA: gestational age, SBP: systolic blood pressure, DBP: diastolic blood pressure. All data between the two groups were no significant differences.