Table 1 Step length, cadence and percentage of contact time during walking. Values are means (±SD)
Shoes conditions Speed (km·h-1) US WS
Step length (m) 3 .57 (.04) .52 (.03) *
4 .65 (.05) .63 (.03)
5 .74 (.04) .72 (.03) *
6 .83 (.04) .80 (.03) *
7 .88 (.05) .85 (.05) *
Cadence (step·min-1) 3 43.8 (3.2) 48.5 (2.9) *
4 51.3 (3.9) 53.1 (2.8) *
5 56.0 (2.9) 57.9 (2.1)
6 60.6 (2.7) 62.9 (2.4) *
7 66.8 (3.7) 69.2 (4.4) *
Percentage of contact time (%) 3 67.1 (1.5) 68.2 (1.2)
4 66.2 (1.4) 66.3 (1.2)
5 64.5 (1.2) 64.4 (1.2)
6 63.3 (.6) 62.6 (.7)
7 61.8 (1.2) 61.8 (.9)
US: unstable shoes, WS: walking shoes.
* Significantly different from US.