Table 2 Changes in endothelial dysfunction and inflammation markers in all subjects (n=24). Data are means (±Standard error of mean).
Markers baseline 100 km 200 km 308 km
sVCAM-1 (ng·mL-1) 870.51 (37.08) 1233.17 (78.11) * 921.80 (46.26) †  953.65 (41.96) *† 
sE-Selectin (ng·mL-1) 30.21 (2.09) 40.14 (2.75) * 44.55 (2.94) * 48.08 (4.04) *† 
TNF-α (pg·mL-1) 3.68 (.15) 4.00 (.20) 3.37 (.18) †  4.50 (.36) *
CK (U·L-1) 113.92 (8.65) 1311.35 (246.02) * 8528.82 (1409.54) *†  9368.97 (1652.07) *† 
hs-CRP (mg·L-1) .40 (.10) 5.06 (1.46) * 25.56 (3.82) *†  21.87 (3.49) *† 
Leukocyte (x106/μL) 6.20 (.32) 13.10 (.61) * 13.10 (.53) * 12.86 (.93) *
Hb (gm/dL) 14.28 (.28) 14.76 (.27) * 13.91 (.26) †  13.15 (.24) *† 
Hct (%) 41.89 (.75) 42.87 (.66) 40.24 (.68) *†  38.49 (.65) *†