Table 1 Items, questions and answers examined in this study
2 Gender Male/female
8a Your father’s educational level is: No official studies/primary education/secondary education including vocational studies/university degree/does not know how to respond
8b Your mother’s educational level is: No official studies/primary education/secondary education including vocational studies/university degree/does not know how to respond
18 The importance granted to physical-sport activities by your parents is: None/ Little/ Some /Much /Very Much /does not know how to respond
22a Your father’s physical-sport situation is: He does not practice now nor did he practice physical-sport in the past/He does not practice now but he used to /He practices now but he did not use to practice /He practices now and also practiced in the past
22b Your mother’s physical-sport situation is: She does not practice now nor did she practice physical-sport in the past/She does not practice now but she used to /She practices now but she did not use to practice /She practices now and also practiced in the past
28 Your physical sport situation is: I do not practice nor have I practiced physical-sport in the past/I do not practice now but I used to /I practice now but I did not use to practice /I practice now and also practiced in the past