Table 2. Comparison among students of all three institutions for items of the Participation Motivation Questionnaire.
Items Ljubljana Zagreb Köln F - sign.
1. I want to improve my skills 4.25 .76 4.52 .69 3.56 .97 .01
2. I want to be with my friends 3.71 .93 4.30 .90 3.96 1.09 .01
3. I like to win 3.57 1.16 4.43 .70 3.74 1.07 .01
4. I want to get rid of energy 4.24 .87 4.35 .68 3.91 .94 .01
5. I like to travel 3.82 1.10 4.08 1.05 3.16 1.27 .01
6. I want to stay in shape 4.60 .57 4.72 .52 4.13 1.03 .01
7. I like the excitement 3.90 .84 4.52 .62 3.66 1.04 .01
8. I like the teamwork 3.34 .99 4.14 .84 3.10 .85 .01
9. My parents or close friends want me to play 1.67 .90 3.05 1.25 2.38 1.32 .01
10. I want to learn new skills 4.22 .76 4.17 .97 3.96 .90 .05
11. I like to meet new friends 3.82 .90 4.35 .82 3.72 .94 .01
12. I like to do something I'm good at 4.41 .77 4.70 .51 3.95 1.00 .01
13. I want to release tension 4.02 .95 4.11 .91 3.28 1.51 .01
14. I like the rewards 2.99 1.25 4.12 1.10 2.72 1.11 .01
15. I like to get exercise 4.16 .95 4.57 .70 4.31 .99 .01
16. I like to have something to do 4.06 .98 4.33 .75 4.32 1.10 .05
17. I like the action 3.99 .97 4.44 .73 4.30 1.06 .01
18. I like the team spirit 3.62 1.05 4.28 .90 3.94 1.09 .01
19. I like to get out of the house 4.21 .88 4.32 .75 3.75 .94 .01
20. I like to compete 3.64 1.10 4.32 .75 3.50 1.00 .01
21. I like to feel important 3.12 1.18 3.70 1.12 2.49 1.11 .01
22. I like being on a team 3.63 1.02 4.15 .89 3.80 1.02 .01
23. I want to go on to a higher level 4.44 .66 4.43 .73 4.12 1.03 .01
24. I want to be physically fit 4.81 .46 4.78 .46 4.27 1.06 .01
25. I want to be popular 2.77 1.12 3.55 1.10 2.42 1.07 .01
26. I like the challenge 3.82 .88 4.43 .72 3.85 .96 .01
27. I like the coaches or instructors 3.10 1.06 3.64 1.09 3.56 .95 .01
28. I want to gain status or recognition 3.37 1.13 4.02 .89 2.68 1.12 .01
29. I like to have fun 4.48 .68 4.60 .59 4.25 1.14 .01
30. I like to use the equipment or facilities 3.46 1.07 4.54 .72 3.49 1.10 .01